

Rebranding a personal finance website

When The Penny Hoarder decided it needed to create a more positive image, I proposed a series of updates to the logo. Inspired by Eustace Tilley of The New Yorker, our new Abe keeps busy reading the Daily newsletter, listening to the new podcast and discussing finances with others in the PennyPlus community.

Oceanview Publishing

Oceanview is a boutique press specializing in mysteries and thrillers. While Art Director, I initiated a brand refresh for the press. The press needed several different marks for specialized needs

  • Paperback back cover — a shortened version

  • Vertical spine — a mark that would be readable on book spines at very small sizes

  • Marketing and ancillary materials — a mark for letterhead, emails, and marketing materials 


The new mark has been used on all books and marketing materials at the press from 2016 through 2022 as well as their website.

Chef Aimée

  • Identity system for a personal chef business with roots in Louisiana and France

  • Developed signage, marketing materials, and uniform

Food Friends & a Chef

A proposed business offshoot by Chef Aimée — like Painting With a Twist only. . . you’re cooking


Business identity for a voice-over and sound-design business that specializes in children’s animation